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Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo's Legislative Package Advances to the Senate with Strong Support from the Assembly

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO - Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo announced today that all of her bills on the Assembly floor have passed with all but one receiving bipartisan support, and are now moving forward for consideration in the Senate.

“Today was a major step forward for so many important bills that will help people’s pocketbooks, keep our community safe, address housing affordability and homelessness, and protect seniors and veterans have advanced to the Senate,” said Assemblywoman Schiavo. “People in our community are struggling, and our legislation is focused on making people’s lives better and tackling the biggest issues we’re facing.”

The following bills passed out of the Assembly and are now headed to the Senate:

Protecting Californian's Pocketbooks

AB 2135: Protecting Workers from Wage Theft
Helps workers receive the payment they’re owed by extending the period of time that the Labor Commission is able to review complaints of wage theft.

AB 2863: "Click to Cancel" - Protecting Consumers from Expensive Subscriptions

Seeks to enhance consumer protections with regard to automatic subscription renewals and the termination of such automatic subscription renewals.

AB 2424: Protecting Homeowners During Foreclosure

Homeowners often lose home equity during a foreclosure process, something that has long-term impact on a family’s ability to build wealth and seek homeownership in the future. This bill seeks to protect consumers during a foreclosure process for the purpose of protecting against losing home equity.

Housing and Homelessness

AB 1820: Eliminating Roadblocks for Housing Development

This bill ensures that developers have the necessary data on local fees before construction begins, fostering a more predictable and transparent environment for housing projects. AB 1820 requires local jurisdictions to update, make accessible, and provide housing development fee transparency for a development project proposed by a contractor prior to construction.

AB 2343: Childcare Access for Parents and Children Experiencing Homelessness or Domestic Violence

This bill would allow agencies administering CalWORKs Stage 1 and Stage 2 Child care programs to provide enhanced support, and navigation to child care services for families experiencing homelessness or surviving domestic violence. These services may be provided in partnership with homeless service agencies, domestic violence agencies, or other supportive housing groups.

Healthcare, Mental Health, and Abortion Care

AB 2999: Healthy Homework Act to Protect Student Mental Health
Given the current student mental health crisis, and that recent studies show students cite homework as a top three stressor in their life, addressing homework requirements will allow us to protect student mental health. This bill will require school boards to consider mental health, physical health, and inequities when creating guidelines for homework, including using research to determine how much homework to assign, grading practices, and if homework is optional and not graded.

AB 2670: Abortion Access Transparency
Launches a public awareness campaign to provide medically accurate information as to the availability of abortions via the website, so that all people seeking abortion information and resources know where they can find reliable and safe information.

AB 2015: Addressing Nursing Shortage
Helps to address our critical nursing shortage by decoupling the teaching credential approval process from the hiring process, allowing nurses to obtain portable credentials from the Board of Registered Nurses.

AB 2637: Support for Healthcare Facilities

Allows the State Treasurer to provide loans to health facilities to cover operating costs, salaries, and more beyond the current limit of two years, similar to other programs working capital loans for educational facilities.


AB 1908: Increasing Transparency for Department of Veterans Affairs
Improves government transparency and performance by requiring the California Department of Veterans Affairs to report to the Legislature on the findings of its internal audits.

AB 1854: Reservist Retroactive Financial Support

Gives more time for reservists or national guard members to apply for retroactive deferment of payment and interest on certain debts, such as credit cards, vehicle loans, mortgages, and more. Members of the Guard and Reserve are often called to active duty on very short notice, and sometimes don’t learn of the protections the law provides until it is too late to take advantage of them.

AB 1994: Deputy Secretary of Minority and Underrepresented Veteran Affairs

Introduced by the Assembly Committee of Military and Veterans Affairs, this bill would make permanent the recently appointed position of Deputy Secretary of Minority and Underrepresented Veterans Affairs.

Community Safety and Protections

AB 2499: Crime Survivor Trauma Leave
Will allow employees to take unpaid leave if they or a family member was a victim of a qualifying act of violence. It will prohibit an employer from discharging or discriminating against an employee who is a victim or has a family member who was a victim of an act of violence after taking time off to obtain relief.

AB 2086: Transportation Funding Oversight
Requires Caltrans to enhance an existing public online dashboard, such as Rebuilding California, to display how annual project investments are advancing the vision and goals of the California Transportation Plan to provide good jobs, protect vulnerable communities, and meet environmental goals.

AB 2943: Combating Retail Theft
As a Principle Coauthor of AB 2943, this bill combats retail theft by allowing law enforcement to make warrantless arrests for misdemeanor shoplifting and allows prosecutors to combine multiple instances of shoplifting to charge an individual for grand theft, prevent stolen goods from being sold online, and multiple additional tools to address retail theft in our community.

AB 3074: Native American Mascot Ban

Aims to ban derogatory or culturally insensitive terms such as Indian or Savages, among others, from being used as a school’s mascot. Will give schools time to find a different name and reorder uniforms or remove any inappropriate signage or logos.

Bills Already Pending in the Senate

AB 1133: Standardized Training for Concealed Carry

Standardizes requirements for concealed carry permits by directing the California Department of Justice to develop, evaluate, approve, and publish curriculum and examination standards.


Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo was elected to the California State Assembly in November of 2022 to represent the 40th Assembly District, representing the Northwest San Fernando Valley and the Santa Clarita Valley. Upon her election, she was appointed as Assistant Majority Whip by the Speaker of the Assembly and now serves as Chair of the Assembly Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs. Prior to her election, Assemblywoman Schiavo was a Nurse Advocate and Small Business Owner who worked in the labor movement for more than 20 years. Throughout her career, Assemblywoman Schiavo helped deliver